Pledge Form

Sign the Builders Code Pledge

As a Building Builders Mentor it’s important to us that you support the values behind the Builders Code Acceptable worksite pledge, developed for BC Construction Industry Employers, but relevant to leaders in the industry. It confirms that you support and are committed to helping build a workforce where all employees feel safe and are able to perform at their best while reaching their full potential. 

Join the many Industry Leaders that are already using the Builders Code. If your Employer is not on this list, we encourage you to share the information with them and ask that they also sign the pledge.  Simply fill out the form below with your name, your Company Name, your Email & Signature, and the Date; then click “Sign the Pledge”. A downloadable , personalized pledge will be generated (scroll down after clicking the button if you can’t see it).

    Pledge for an Acceptable Worksite


    I support this acceptable worksite pledge.

    we are fully committed to building a workforce where all employees are able to perform at their best and reach their full potential.

    We believe that everyone has the right to be safe and protected at work, and that the definition of an Acceptable Worksite is a safe worksite.

    Safety hazards are not always physical, and safety protection is not limited to PPE equipment like goggles, gloves, hard hats and steel toes.

    Unwelcome, demeaning or threatening language and behaviour creates stress and distraction that risks health, safety, and productivity.

    We expect all employees to work together without causing harm. We require a workplace that's free from hazing, harassment, bullying, and discrimination. This is our Acceptable Worksite Pledge.

    We know that employing workers with different attributes, backgrounds, experiences, and skills, makes us successful.

    We aim to attract the best talent, improve the quality of our work, increase our productivity, and supercharge our ability to innovate. These outcomes also benefit the community around us.

    Through the following practices, we seek to build and maintain our success:

    • Hiring based on skill and experience and compensating all employees at fair market value regardless of gender, race, religion, or ethnicity.

    • Identifying and removing barriers to training and career development; creating equitable opportunities for all employees.

    • Ensuring the health, safety and well-being of everyone in the workplace by providing a work environment free from harassment, hazing, bullying, and discrimination.

    • Promoting education, awareness and training on Acceptable Workplace behaviour that positively impacts our community, our company, and our employees.

    • Continuously backing up our commitment through our actions, without compromise.

    We encourage you to include the pledge in employee handbooks and welcome kits, and post in your site office, lunchroom, or anywhere your team gathers regularly.

    We would be happy to include your company name or logo on the Builders Code website, Simply contact us with this request at this is a powerful way to let job seekers and clients know that you support the Builders Code Acceptable Worksite standards.

    As part of our service, a Building Builders team member will reach out to provide you with more information about the optional, free training opportunities available to you as a Building Builders Mentor.