Aishwarya Trivedi, BCCA Building Builders Mentor – Construction Project Coordinator

BCCA Building Builders Mentor Aishwarya Trivedi

“Everyday I go to my workplace or the project site fueled with excitement and purpose for the service I get to deliver to the city I am contributing to build, and I end each day going to bed feeling incredibly fulfilled within myself for the work I have put in. I chose to become a mentor to support at least one more person and help them to feel the way I feel about their profession – to not only find the job of their dreams, but also live the enriched and fulfilled life they have chosen to build.”

– Aishwarya Trivedi, Construction Project Coordinator, Edge Construction + Design
B.Arch | MS (Construction Management) | Certified Passive House Designer

Read a testimonial from Aishwarya’s Mentee Archana Balan Krishnan

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